Consumer, Food & Retail


Provider of oral tablets to aid with dry-mouth condition.

Transaction Overview

  • OraHealth, through its OraCoat brand, provides a range of products aimed at providing relief from dry mouth, acid reflux while sleeping, bad breath, plaque, gum disease, tooth decay, and oral pain. The Company’s leading product, XyliMelts, is a patented, all-natural, non-acidic, oral adhering disc that is safe to use while sleeping when dry mouth is most prevalent. OraHealth also offers long-lasting OraCoat Mouth Sore Melts, which are adhering discs that speed the healing and relieve pain associated with mouth sores, whether from cuts caused by bites, dentures, and braces or other causes such as cancer treatment.

Key Observations

  • Quest Products Inc. is a multifaceted consumer packaged goods company that manufactures and manages wholly owned brands, distributes national brands, sells to retail and online stores, provides drop-ship services, and manages retail websites. Quest seeks to bring innovative, quality products to customers’ doors or retail stores.
  • The Company’s Founder, CEO, and majority owner sought to find a strategic buyer/financial sponsor that would be able to offer the desired capital and operational expertise to accelerate growth and further capture market share, while allowing the Founder/Owner to focus on R&D/new product development.

Drivers of Interest

  • OraHealth had a category leading product in the OTC space, and was equipped with multiple patents protecting all of its adhering disc products until 2033.
  • Quest Products could take advantage of its extensive distribution, product placement and supply chain efficiencies to drive growth within OraHealth’s products immediately, making them the ideal partner.
Hennepin Partners LLC